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2BWELL Lake Oswego | DeskSide3_ADJ.jpg

Our design transforms an existing 1,300 square foot ranch house and its 10,000 square foot lot into a small medical office building with five treatment rooms, on-site parking, and an outdoor events space.

Lake Oswego‘s Planning Department required a storm water drainage system without discharge into the city’s system. The adjacent properties’ walls and fences, at the side and rear property lines, inspired a courtyard design with pervious pavers.

The courtyard serves as a parking lot, an entrance court to the building, and a well defined outdoor area for day and night time events. 
The project’s integration of accessibility, landscape walls, plant materials, parking, and storm water drainage is cited by the planning department as a model on-site storm water management solution to aid design review applicants.

Our design transforms an existing 1,300 square foot ranch house and its 10,000 square foot lot into a small medical office building with five treatment rooms, on-site parking, and an outdoor events space. Lake Oswego‘s Planning Department required a storm water drainage system without discharge into the city’s system. The adjacent properties’ walls and fences, at the side and rear property lines, inspired a courtyard design with pervious pavers. The courtyard serves as a parking lot, an entrance court to the building, and a well defined outdoor area for day and night time events. The project’s integration of accessibility, landscape walls, plant materials, parking, and storm water drainage is cited by the planning department as a model on-site storm water management solution to aid design review applicants.