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After working in conjunction with a local builder / developer for two small sized professional office buildings and several residential remodeling projects in the Portland metro area, we were asked to design the builder’s new personal residence in Bend, Oregon.
The site located in Caldera Springs resort community, adjacent to the famed Sunriver Resort, boasts flat topography, indigenous trees and landscaped elements, and mountain views. The design is a direct response to the specifics of the site and the needs of a year-round resort community home.

The building’s T-shape organization allows for direct access to exterior covered spaces and an exterior courtyard. It’s massing integrates a large second floor bonus room that allows for additional  sleeping area as needed. With a large combined living and 
dining area, a few weekend guests or an extended family can be accommodated without the home feeling too large or too small.

Recycled siding and heavy timbers inside and outside were milled on site to contribute to the project’s lodge-like materials’ vocabulary.

After working in conjunction with a local builder / developer for two small sized professional office buildings and several residential remodeling projects in the Portland metro area, we were asked to design the builder’s new personal residence in Bend, Oregon. The site located in Caldera Springs resort community, adjacent to the famed Sunriver Resort, boasts flat topography, indigenous trees and landscaped elements, and mountain views. The design is a direct response to the specifics of the site and the needs of a year-round resort community home. The building’s T-shape organization allows for direct access to exterior covered spaces and an exterior courtyard. It’s massing integrates a large second floor bonus room that allows for additional sleeping area as needed. With a large combined living and dining area, a few weekend guests or an extended family can be accommodated without the home feeling too large or too small. Recycled siding and heavy timbers inside and outside were milled on site to contribute to the project’s lodge-like materials’ vocabulary.

Bend Vacation Home
