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(production and management of CAD design development and construction drawings for Robert Evenson Associates)

Known for our knowledge and experience with Type V construction, we were hired by Robert Evenson Associates to provide CAD design development drawings and construction documents.  

CAD management services to coordinate the work of consulting engineers and submittals to the planning and building departments. 
were included in our work scope. 

A small and irregularly shaped lot close to Portland State University was developed with students in mind. The apartment building maximizes land efficiency with five townhouse style units and eliminates the need for horizontal fire rated assemblies. Each unit contains three floors and six bedrooms.

(production and management of CAD design development and construction drawings for Robert Evenson Associates) Known for our knowledge and experience with Type V construction, we were hired by Robert Evenson Associates to provide CAD design development drawings and construction documents. CAD management services to coordinate the work of consulting engineers and submittals to the planning and building departments. were included in our work scope. A small and irregularly shaped lot close to Portland State University was developed with students in mind. The apartment building maximizes land efficiency with five townhouse style units and eliminates the need for horizontal fire rated assemblies. Each unit contains three floors and six bedrooms.