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T e a m

The realization of a vision into built form without compromising budget, program, or quality requires a highly efficient project delivery method.   Each project is staffed with the appropriate personnel to provide a rich combination of design, up-to-date technical and code knowledge, clear drawing documents, and effective interpersonal communication with client, contractors, consultants, jurisdictional authorities, and other participants in the building process.  The firm’s small size allows for direct principal-client interaction throughout a project’s programming, design, and construction phases.

Chuck Cohen, the firm's principal, leads each project to provide clients a design process that is direct, responsive, and maintains continuity in communications at critical points in a project’s development. Since receiving a Masters of Architecture degree from the U.C.L.A. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning in 1982, Chuck has held positions in architectural and construction management and commercial real estate sales. A broad experience base provides Chuck keen insight into the full cycle of project's development. From site acquisition through construction completion stages, Chuck’s capabilities are utilized to provide clients simple, direct, design conscious, and cost effective solutions to today’s architectural, construction, financial, and bureaucratic challenges.
